How to Prepare for Tattoo Appointments

How to Prepare for Tattoo Appointments

Proper preparation for tattoo appointments will help your session go smoothly. Tattoos that take 3 to 8 hours or more require clients to be prepared to have a great session. As the artist, I want the tattoo experience to be as pleasant as possible. Here’s a few tips that you can take to properly prepare for your tattoo appointment.


  • Arrive calm, rested, and hydrated for a comfortable session
  • Do not drink alcohol the night before to avoid hangovers or excessive bleeding 
  • Avoid Tylenol or medications that thin the blood, if possible, to limit excessive bleeding
  • Bring no more than one friend to your appointment as a courtesy to your artist as crowds can be overwhelming and distracting
  • Eat before your appointment so you can maintain blood sugar levels
  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows access to the area to be tattooed
  • Feel free to bring headphones if it helps you relax
  • Practice good hygiene and arrive clean as a courtesy to the artist
  • Have fun and enjoy the process
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